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Welcome to the Spring module!

During this module, you will learn the basic concepts of the Spring Framework. Spring is by far the most used Java framework on the market. There will be a live coding session after each part of the theory and exercises that should be performed independently with the help of a trainer. Some of the key topics that will be explained during this module are:

  • Spring Core - contains the basic mechanisms of the framework (Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection, Context, Beans)
  • Spring Web - includes Spring's Model-View-Controller (MVC) implementation for web applications
  • Spring data - includes support for, among others relational databases
  • Spring Security - Provides authentication, authorization, and other security features for web applications or enterprise applications

Get ready for class

Check the list below if you have any programs that we will work with during this class:

Java OpenJDK 11

IntelliJ IDEA Community

MySQL and MySQL Workbench (optional)