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This section contains examples using some features of JUNit.

Example A

This example shows the use of the reference Test. Please take notice of the division of the tests into sections given, when and then and of the fact, that the test class and the tests are not public.

public class NameVerifier {

  public boolean isNameValid(final String name) {
    return name != null && name.length() > 0 && !name.toUpperCase().equals(name) && !name.toLowerCase().equals(name);
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;

class NameVerifierTest {

  void shouldValidateName() {
    String name = "Adam";
    NameVerifier nameVerifier = new NameVerifier();

    final boolean validationResult = nameVerifier.isNameValid(name);


  void shouldNotValidateNameWhenAllLettersAreLowerCase() {
    String name = "adam";
    NameVerifier nameVerifier = new NameVerifier();

    final boolean validationResult = nameVerifier.isNameValid(name);


  void shouldNotValidateEmptyName() {
    String emptyName = "";
    NameVerifier nameVerifier = new NameVerifier();

    final boolean validationResult = nameVerifier.isNameValid(emptyName);


  void shouldNotValidateNullName() {
    String nullName = null;
    NameVerifier nameVerifier = new NameVerifier();

    final boolean validationResult = nameVerifier.isNameValid(nullName);


Example B

This example is based on the class NameVerifier from the example A. It uses the method of [test lifecycle](] eliminating some repetitions.

import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;

class NameVerifierTest {

  private NameVerifier nameVerifier;

  void setUp() {
    nameVerifier = new NameVerifier();

  void shouldValidateName() {
    String name = "Adam";

    final boolean validationResult = nameVerifier.isNameValid(name);


  void shouldNotValidateNameWhenAllLettersAreLowerCase() {
    String name = "adam";

    final boolean validationResult = nameVerifier.isNameValid(name);


  void shouldNotValidateEmptyName() {
    String emptyName = "";

    final boolean validationResult = nameVerifier.isNameValid(emptyName);


  void shouldNotValidateNullName() {
    String nullName = null;

    final boolean validationResult = nameVerifier.isNameValid(nullName);


Example C

This example shows the possible use of all test lifecycle methods.

// not a real connection - just imitating slow connection
public class Connection {

  private boolean state;

  public void open() throws InterruptedException {
    Thread.sleep(500L); // I am a slow opening connection
    state = true;

  public void close() throws InterruptedException {
    Thread.sleep(500L); // I am slow closing connection
    state = false;

  public boolean isOpened() {
    return state;

  public boolean isClosed() {
    return !isOpened();

  public void refresh() {
    System.out.println("Refreshing the connection");
public class StorageConnectionException extends RuntimeException {
  public StorageConnectionException(String message) {
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Storage {

  private List<Object> data = new ArrayList<>();

  private final Connection connection;

  public Storage(Connection connection) {
    this.connection = connection;

  // adds value to storage data and returns number of elements
  public int addValue(final Object value) {
    if (connection.isClosed()) {
      throw new StorageConnectionException("Connection is closed so data cannot be added");
    return data.size();

  // tries to remove value in storage. Returns true if value was removed, false otherwise.
  public boolean removeValue(final Object value) {
    if (connection.isClosed()) {
      throw new StorageConnectionException("Connection is closed so data cannot be removed");
    return data.remove(value);

  public List<Object> getData() {
    if (connection.isClosed()) {
      throw new StorageConnectionException("Connection is closed so data cannot be retrieved");
    return data;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

class StorageTest {

  private static final String EXAMPLE_DATA = "Hello";

  private static Connection connection;
  private Storage storage;

  static void setUpTestCase() throws InterruptedException {
    connection = new Connection();;

  static void tearDownTestCase() throws InterruptedException {

  void setUp() {
    storage = new Storage(connection);

  void tearDown() {

  void shouldAddDataToStorage() {
    final int result = storage.addValue(EXAMPLE_DATA);

    assertEquals(1, result);

  void shouldRemoveExistingData() {

    final boolean removeResult = storage.removeValue(EXAMPLE_DATA);


  void shouldNotRemoveNonExistingData() {

    final boolean removeResult = storage.removeValue("NotExistingData");

    assertEquals(storage.getData().size(), 1);


Example D

This example shows the use of assertIterableEquals and assertNotSame assertions.

public class ListUtils {

  public List<Integer> multiplyInputs(final List<Integer> input, final int multiplier) {
    final List<Integer> results = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final Integer value : input) {
      results.add(value * multiplier);
    return results;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import java.util.List;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

class ListUtilsTest {

  private final ListUtils listUtils = new ListUtils(); // do inicjalizacji obiektu NIE musimy wykorzystywać metody z `@BeforeEach`.

  void shouldTripleInput() {
    final List<Integer> inputs = List.of(4, 2, 7);
    final List<Integer> expectedOutput = List.of(12, 6, 21);
    final int multiplier = 3;

    final List<Integer> actualResults = listUtils.multiplyInputs(inputs, multiplier);

    assertIterableEquals(expectedOutput, actualResults, "Lists do not match in terms of values or size");
    assertNotSame(inputs, actualResults, "The input list was modified while it should not be touched");

Example E

Przykład wykorzystuje assertLinesMatch oraz adnotacje @DisplayName i @Disabled. This example uses assertLinesMatch and the references @DisplayName amd @Disabled.

import java.util.List;

public class StringUtils {

  public List<String> toUpperCase(final List<String> inputs) {

  public List<String> toLowerCase(final List<String> inputs) {

  public List<String> toSnakeCase(final List<String> inputs) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import java.util.List;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertLinesMatch;

class StringUtilsTest {

  private StringUtils stringUtils;

  void setUp() {
    stringUtils = new StringUtils();

  void shouldUpperCaseInputs() {
    final List<String> inputs = List.of("Hello", "From", "sda");
    final List<String> exepectedOutput = List.of("HELLO", "FROM", "SDA");

    final List<String> actualOutputs = stringUtils.toUpperCase(inputs);

    assertLinesMatch(exepectedOutput, actualOutputs);

  @DisplayName("Test that checks toLowerCase method behavior")
  void shouldLowerCaseInputs() {
    final List<String> inputs = List.of("Hello", "From", "SDA");
    final List<String> exepectedOutput = List.of("hello", "from", "sda");

    final List<String> actualOutputs = stringUtils.toLowerCase(inputs);

    assertLinesMatch(exepectedOutput, actualOutputs);

  @Disabled("waiting for actual method implementation. TDD approach")
  void shouldSnakeCaseInputs() {
    final List<String> inputs = List.of("helloFrom", "testExamples");
    final List<String> exepectedOutput = List.of("hello_from", "test_example");

    final List<String> actualOutputs = stringUtils.toLowerCase(inputs);

    assertLinesMatch(exepectedOutput, actualOutputs);


Example F

Przykład pokazuje wykorzystanie asercji grupującej - assertAll. This example shows the use of grouping assertion - assertAll.

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

public class Person {
  private String prefix;
  private String firstName;
  private String lastName;
public class PersonFactory {

  public Person createPerson(final String firstName, final String lastName) {
    final String prefix = firstName.endsWith("a") ? "Ms" : "Mr";
    return new Person(prefix, firstName, lastName);
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

class PersonFactoryTest {

  private static final String MALE_NAME = "Adam";
  private static final String FEMALE_NAME = "Lisa";
  private static final String SURNAME = "Jobs";
  private static final String MALE_PREFIX = "Mr";
  private static final String FEMALE_PREFIX = "Ms";

  private final PersonFactory personFactory = new PersonFactory();

  void shouldCreateMalePerson() {
    final Person person = personFactory.createPerson(MALE_NAME, SURNAME);

        () -> assertEquals(SURNAME, person.getLastName()),
        () -> assertEquals(MALE_NAME, person.getFirstName()),
        () -> assertEquals(MALE_PREFIX, person.getPrefix())

  void shouldCreateFemalePerson() {
    final Person person = personFactory.createPerson(FEMALE_NAME, SURNAME);

        () -> assertEquals(SURNAME, person.getLastName()),
        () -> assertEquals(FEMALE_NAME, person.getFirstName()),
        () -> assertEquals(FEMALE_PREFIX, person.getPrefix())