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Inner classes


In Java, it is possible to declare classes inside other classes. We call these classes nested classes. They can be declared as:

  • static classes (so-called static nested), using the static keyword
  • non-static classes (so-called non-static or inner)

The following example shows how to define such classes in the easiest way:

public class Outer {

    static class NestedStatic {
        // class body

    class Inner {
        // class body

NOTE: There are two special kinds of inner classes: local classes and [anonymous_classes] (


Non-static nested classes have direct access to the parent class, i.e. from the parent class they can use:

  • fields (also static and private)
  • methods (also static and private)

The following example shows these possibilities:

public class OuterClass {

  private static int outerClassStaticField;
  private int outerClassField;

  void outerClassMethod() {
    System.out.println("I am outer class method");

  public class InnerClass {
    void useOuterClassField() {
      System.out.println(outerClassStaticField); // use of a static field
      outerClassMethod();                        // use of method
      System.out.println(outerClassField);       // use of private field

UWAGA: Unlike local classes, inner classes can use access modifiers.

NOTE: Non-static local classes cannot define static fields and methods.

In turn, the nested static classes from the parent class:

  • can use static fields and methods of the parent class
  • not can use non-static fields and methods

We can see these features on the next example:

public class OuterClass {

  private static int outerClassStaticField;
  private int outerClassField;

  void outerClassMethod() {
    System.out.println("I am outer class method");

  protected static void outClassStaticMethod() {
    System.out.println("I am out class static method");

  static class InnerStaticClass {

    void useOuterClassField() {
      //outerClassMethod(); -> compile error, we must NOT use non-static methods

Create internal classes

We will base the next examples on the following classes:

public class OuterClass {

  class InnerClass {

  static class InnerStaticClass {

To instantiate an inner non-static class, we first need to create an instance of the outer class, e.g .:

OuterClass outerClass = new OuterClass();
final OuterClass.InnerClass innerClass = InnerClass();

Conversely, to instantiate an inner static class, you need to access the inner class with ., e.g .:

OuterClass.InnerStaticClass innerStaticClass = new OuterClass.InnerStaticClass();