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Service for a travel agency

Brief description of the system

As part of the project, a system should be created that allows searching for trips according to given criteria and allow for their "purchase".

Main system functions

  • Home
  • Setting up the tour offer (administrator)
  • Search for tours by given criteria
  • "Purchase" the trip - calculation of the final amount according to the number of people
  • (optional) Additional services: car rental, optional trips
  • (optional) Configuration of restrictions related to passport and visas


  • Spring + Hibernate
  • (optional) Frontend in Angular/React/Thymeleaf

Basic entities (Proposal)


  • name


  • name
  • continent membership (foreign key)


  • name
  • nationality (foreign key)


  • name
  • standard (number of stars)
  • description
  • designated city (foreign key)


  • name
  • designated city (foreign key)


Purchasing a tour

  • tour
  • data of participants
  • amount



  • presentation of promoted trips
  • presentation of upcoming tours (globally)
  • presentation of upcoming trips (divided into continents)
  • presentation of upcoming trips (by country)
  • presentation of recently purchased tours
  • (optional) presentation of tours with a reduced price (you need to add a mechanism for this)
  • (optional) presentation of tours with only 1 or 2 places left

Home page - 2

  • each of the lists below should present, at least, 3 entries + a link where the user can see more and be directed to search results according to a given criterion, e.g. clicking the Tenerife link should redirect us to the page with trips to Tenerife
  • continent, country, city, hotel should be clickable and lead to the search results
  • after clicking on a specific tour, detailed information is presented
  • (optional) under the tour, we present tours to the same place, but with a later date
  • (optional) under the tour we present tours to other hotels in this city
  • (optional) we present trips to other cities from this country under the tour

Configuring the tour offer

  • the administrator (on a separate page) has the ability to add and edit tours
  • the form should allow you to enter all the parameters of the trip
  • you need to pre-configure the database of continents, countries, cities, airports and hotels
  • (optional) separate pages for managing continents, countries, cities, airports and hotels

Search for trips based on given criteria

  • all clickable elements (continents, countries, cities, hotels are directed to the search results page
  • additionally, the website has a form that allows for filtering and sorting results
  • you can search for tours by (e.g.):

    • city (airport) of departure
    • city (hotel) of stay
    • departure date (optional range)
    • date of return (optional range)
    • type (BB, HB, FB, AI)
    • a hotel by it's standard
    • amount of days
  • you can sort by (e.g.):

    • price
    • departure date
  • (optional) As the amount of data grows, you can introduce pagination of the search results

Purchasing a tour

  • after choosing a specific trip, it can be purchased
  • specify the number of adults and children
  • if there are enough vacancies, the tour will be "purchased"
  • the number of vacancies will be reduced
  • the amount for the trip will be calculated (based on the number of people)
  • purchased tours are displayed on the administration page / pages
  • (optional) you can group the above-mentioned tours and enter a simple search engine

Additional requirements

  • it is necessary to ensure an aesthetic and functional way of presenting data
  • data downloaded from users should be pre-validated