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Semantic tags

With the advent of HTML5, quite a few new semantic tags have been added to the language. Their role is to indicate by their name what content they represent. Thanks to this, it obtains a better, "self-commenting" code.

semantic tags

These headlines include:

  • <header> - stands for the page or section header, e.g.:

    <p>The best courses online</p>
  <p>SDA will teach you JAVA but also some frontend!</p>

  • <nav> - indicates the area where the website navigation is located, e.g .:

  <a href="/index">Main Page</a> |
  <a href="/courses">Available Courses</a> |
  <a href="/java">Java</a> |
  <a href="/html">HTML</a>

  • <main> - indicates the main content on the page, e.g .:

    <h2>SDA Courses</h2>
    <p>This is the main HTML section, where you learn about semantic tags</p>

  • <article> - meaning the article, usually one that can be independently moved to another place. This element can represent, for example, the content of a blog.

  • <footer> - used as a footer on the page, e.g .:

    <a href=""></a>

Other popular ones are:

  • <section> - is for thematic grouping of content
  • <aside> - side content area, e.g .:
    <h3>Some Aside Title</h3>
    <p>Some Aside Content here</p>

NOTE: Most of the semantic tags do not cause the page to be displayed in a different way. To display these items in a specific way we can use CSS.